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The One Who Watches

Writer: AendruuAendruu

Statue of Xarxes

"Praise we now Xarxes Who transcribes our story Honour the scrivener Archivist of glory."

Xarxes, the Ageless one, the One Who Watches...

Scribe of Auri-El, he who keeps records of all accomplishments of the Mer, both large and small, from the beginning of Time.

"By Five and Three I speak the secret words to the One Who Watches. May each of my days be worthy of script in his tomes."

Known also as the Aedra of secret knowledge, Xarxes is often equated with Arkay as the god of death. From his favourite moments of the Mer’s history he created a wife named Oghma, and in emulation of this, every Altmer is required to record their life's history in a book that shall become their personal Oghma for future generations:

"As ye are true Children of the et'Ada, thou shalt honor us by honoring thy own lives. For in each of you is housed the Divine Spark, and thus the record of thy actions is a sacred duty. Keep, therefore, each and every one of you, an Oghma, an everscriven scroll which shall memorialize thy brief lives. Thus in at least this way shalt thy Spark be Immortal."

- Xarxes in The Aldmeriad

This is my Oghma.


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