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The Tamrielic Calendar


The Seasons

   The calendar is composed of twelve distinct Seasons, each of which has an associated constellation. These are said to affect the personality traits of anyone born in that month:


Morning Star  the Ritual (31 days)

Sun's Dawn — the Lover (28* days)

First Seed — the Lord (31 days)

Rain's Hand — the Mage (30 days)

Second Seed — the Shadow (31 days)

Midyear — the Steed (30 days)

Sun's Height — the Apprentice (31 days)

Last Seed — the Warrior (31 days)

Hearthfire — the Lady (30 days)

Frostfall — the Tower (31 days)

Sun's Dusk — the Atronach (30 days)

Evening Star — the Thief (31 days)

* 29 days in a leap year

Tamrielic Calendar.jpg

Days of the Week:









So that he might know himself... Anu created Auriel, the soul of his soul. Auriel bled through the Aurbis as a new force, called time.

— The Monomyth, "The Heart of the World"


Holidays in Summerset:


1st day of Morning Star

New Life Festival

The New Life Festival marks the start of the Winter Solstice, when Magnus the Sun begins his return, and the days start to grow longer.

Almost all major races in Tamriel celebrate the New Life Festival in their own unique cultural way, and the celebrations themselves have been known to change over time. Many of the celebrations are symbolic of a historical event or have some form of deeper meaning, and include races, feasts, games and dancing.

Not all celebrations are lavish, grand events. The Altmer of Haven celebrate through the simple act of charity. Known as the War Orphan's Sojourn, participants travel to a temple in the heart of Grahtwood and donate what they can, be it their gold or their time.
Bosmer immigrants to Auridon introduced the locals of Skywatch to the Mud Ball Merriment, a game where balls of mud are thrown at everyone.


16th day of Sun's Dawn
Heart's Day

A celebration of the Legend of the Lovers. In honor of these Lovers, Polydor and Eloisa, the inns of the city offer a free room for visitors. If such kindness had been given the Lovers, it is said, it would always be springtime in the world.

7th day of First Seed
First Planting

Celebrated by symbolically sowing the seeds for the autumn harvest. It is a festival of fresh beginnings, both for the crops and for the men and women of the city. Neighbors are reconciled in their disputes, resolutions are formed, bad habits dropped, the diseased cured. The clerics at the temples run a free clinic all day long to cure people of poisoning, different diseases, paralysis, and the other banes found in the world of Tamriel.

23rd day of First Seed until the 4th day of Rain's Hand
Jester's Festival

" Once a year, troupes of jesters and fools gather and encourage the people of Tamriel to toss aside their notions of status, honour, and class in a celebration of absurdity. Performers roam the streets mocking the rich and famous, towns celebrate with a variety of traditional festive pranks, and guests are encouraged to participate in silly games to win joke prizes."


28th day of Rain's Hand

Jester's Day

On this day  pranks are set up from one end of each town to the other. The Thieves Guild finds particular attention as everyone looks for pickpockets in particular.

1st day of Second Seed

​— Psijics perform the Vigyld in order to empower salutary spirits and debilitate unclean ones.

7th day of Second Seed

Second Planting

​This is a holiday with traditions similar to First Planting; improvements on the first seeding symbolically to suggest improvements on the soul. The free clinics of the temples are open for the second and last time this year, offering cures for those suffering from any kind of disease or affliction. Because peace and not conflict is stressed at this time, battle injuries are healed only at full price.

16th day of Mid Year

Mid Year Celebration
The cities temples offer blessings for only half the donation they usually suggest. Many so blessed feel confident enough to enter the (dangerous) dungeons when they are not fully prepared, so this joyous festival has often been known to turn suddenly into a day of defeat and tragedy.

10th day of Sun's Height

Merchants' Festival

​ Every marketplace and equipment store drops their prices to at least half (except the Mages Guild.) Most citizens in need of a magical item wait two months for the celebration of Tales and Tallows when prices are more reasonable.

20th day of Sun's Height

—  Sun's Rest

​All stores close in observance of Sun's Rest. Of course, the temples, taverns, and Mages Guild remain open during their regular hours, but most citizens chose to devote this day to relaxation, not commerce or prayer. This is not a convenient arrangement for all, but the Merchants' Guild heavily fines any shop that stays open, so everyone complies.

27th day of Last Seed

—  Harvest's End

​ The work of the year is over, the seeding, sowing, and reaping. Now is the time to celebrate and enjoy the fruits of the harvest, and even visitors are invited to join the farmers. The taverns offer free drinks all day long, an extravagance before the economy of the coming winter months. Underfed farm hands gorging themselves and then getting sick in the town square are the most common sights of the celebration of Harvest's End.

2nd day of Hearth Fire

​Psijics perform the Rites of Moawita in order to empower salutary spirits and debilitate unclean ones.

3rd day of Hearth Fire

Tales and Tallows

No other holiday divides the people of Tamriel: a few of the oldest, more superstitious men and women do not speak all day long for fear that the evil spirits of the dead will enter their bodies, however most citizens enjoy the holiday, but even the most light-hearted avoid the dark streets, for everyone knows the dead walk that night. Only the Mages Guild completely thrives on this day. In celebration of the oldest magical science, necromancy, all magical items are half price.

13th day of Frostfall

Witches Festival

​This day the forces of sorcery and religion clash. The Mages Guild gets most of the business since weapons and items are evaluated for their mystic potential free of charge and magic spells are one half their usual price. Demonologists, conjurors, lamias, warlocks, and thaumaturgists meet in the wilderness, and the creatures created or summoned there may plague Tamriel for eons. Most wise men choose not to wander this night.


20th day of Sun's Dusk
Warriors Festival

Most all the local warriors, spellswords, and rogues go to the equipment stores and blacksmiths where all weapons are half price. Unfortunately, the low prices also tempt many an untrained boy to buy his first sword and the normally quiet city streets ring with amateur skirmishes.

15th day of Evening Star

North Winds Prayer

​A holiday reverently observed by the temples. It is a thanksgiving to the Gods for a good harvest and a mild winter. The temples offer all their services blessing, curing, healing for half the donation usually requested.

30th/31st day of Evening Star

—  Old Life Festival

​On the last day of the year many go to the temples to reflect on their past. Some go for more than this, for it is rumoured that priests will as the last act of the year perform resurrections on beloved friends and family members free of the usual charge. Worshippers know better than to expect this philanthropy, but they arrive in a macabre procession with the recently deceased nevertheless. Ale flows free in all the taverns in all the cities of Tamriel.


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