It is the 582nd Year of the Second Era, and the Three Banners are at war...
It all began one bloody night during Sun's Dawn of 2E 430, with the assassination of the last Akaviri Potentate, Savirien Chorak, and every one of his heirs. This collapse of Tamrielian central authority has - thus far - given us one and a half centuries of conflict between racial alliances, small kingdoms, and petty states.
However, the nine provinces established under the Reman Dynasty still exist, and over the course of the past seventeen years they have consolidated into three distinct factions, all vying for the Ruby Throne:
The Daggerfall Covenant, created between the provinces of Hammerfell, High Rock, and
Orsinium was established in 2E 566; they see themselves as the successor to the Reman
Dynasty and aim to restore the Second Empire of Men.
The Ebonheart Pact between the provinces of Skyrim, Morrowind, and Black Marsh
was established in 2E 572; these unlikely allies united for mutual defence against the
Akaviri invaders, and now aim to extinguish the rule of the Empire.
The Aldmeri Dominion of the Summerset Isles, Valenwood, and Elsweyr was
established in 2E 580, a mere two years ago; their ultimate goal is to usher in a new age
of Elven rule across Tamriel in order to protect the land from the careless actions of the younger races.
Meanwhile, in 2E 579 a massive arcane explosion occurred in the Imperial City, sundering the veil between Nirn and Oblivion, and sending mystical aftershocks across the world. Alas, the Mages Guild of the Imperial City was blamed for the event and expelled from the city by the Elder Council, and control of the Arcane University has been given over to the so-called "Fellowship of Anchorites".
Regardless of exactly who was responsible for what has become known as the 'Soulburst', Nirn is now more vulnerable to the forces of Oblivion than ever before, and ever increasing numbers of Daedra are appearing across Tamriel. Powerful magical 'Dark Anchors' protected by Daedric and undead guardians have been found embedded at the sites of dolmens, upon the stones of which is inscribed "Coldharbour calls, Nirn obeys". Every lore-keeper knows that Coldharbour is the realm of Oblivion ruled by the Daedric Prince of Domination, Molag Bal, and one can only wonder what this means for the unwitting inhabitants of Tamriel...
Here in the Summerset Isles, upon the passing of King Hidellith two years ago, the "Unforeseen Queen"returned to formally claim her birthright. She swiftly issued a decree opening the borders of the Isles to outsiders, which has led to an influx of immigrants — much to the dismay of the more isolationist members of Summerset's nobility!
Queen Ayrenn founded the Aldmeri Dominion and chose Elden Root in Valenwood to be the capital of the Dominion, rather than Alinor, and thus her cousin Alwinarwe rules over Summerset on her behalf as the "Proxy Queen". And there is apparently also a "Veiled Queen", whom the Veiled Heritance seek to replace as regent once Ayrenn is deposed.
Meanwhile, unexplained Abyssal Geysers are erupting along the shores of Summerset Isle, spewing forth waves of fierce Yaghra and other grotesque sea-monsters; in Auridon, the Maormer of Pyandonea continue their crusade to conquer Summerset, and our coastlines are relentlessly ravaged by Fish Elves and their sea-serpent minions.
Beyond our borders, horror abounds across the continent. Over the Dunmeri island of Vvardenfell in Morrowind a dread shadow hangs, portending doom even as Red Mountain shudders and quakes; rumour has it that dragons have been seen in the Khajiiti kingdom of Anequina in Elsweyr; while giant supernatural confluxes called 'harrowstorms' now plague the Nordic holds of Haafingar, Hjaalmarch, and Karthald in Western Skyrim. That so much calamity should occur within the span of a single year surely means that Tamriel is caught once more in the strange, unfathomable games of the gods!
For its part, the island of Artaeum maintains its contemplative reclusion within the deeps of the Aurbis (and three hundred and fifty-three years of Nirn have passed since it was removed from Mundus.) However, Psijic monks have recently begun to openly visit the continent to gather information and assist in instances of mystical interference, and rumour in magical circles has it that the traditionally reclusive Order is interviewing the occasional potential candidate...