Contained herein is my collection of diverse notes which are intended to facilitate my exploration of the continent of Tamriel. There is much information that is useful to a traveller — too much for even a Mer to commit to memory — and thus I have compiled these notes for quick and convenient reference, wherever I might find myself.
Observations and reflections that I have made during my various expeditions are recorded in my Oghma, in accordance to the will of Xarxes, scribe to Auri-El, as recorded in The Aldmeriad:
"As ye are true Children of the et'Ada, thou shalt honor us by honoring thy own lives. For in each of you is housed the Divine Spark, and thus the record of thy actions is a sacred duty. Keep, therefore, each and every one of you, an Oghma, an everscriven scroll which shall memorialize thy brief lives. Thus in at least this way shalt thy Spark be Immortal."
By Five and Three, I speak the secret words to the One Who Watches.
May each of my days be worthy of script in his tomes.
And may Phynaster guide my path.