.: The Psijic Order :.
The Psijic monks follow the "Old Ways," combining mysticism, the Eleven Forces, and the divine laws that bind and define the nature of reality into a philosophy and way of life. They are said to have a deep understanding of the Ehlnofey, also known as the Earth Bones, the descendants of the Aedra who once walked Tamriel and gave rise to the races of man and mer.
The Psijic Order is the oldest monastic group of Tamriel, and is devoted to the study and practice of Mysticism — which we call the Old Ways or Elder Way — taught by the first inhabitants of Tamriel and our original ancestors , the Acharyai. This is a philosophy of meditation and study that binds the forces of nature (the Earth Bones) to the individual will, and involves the manipulation of magical forces and

boundaries to bypass the structures and limitations of the physical world. While it differs from Aetherial magicka in origin, the effects are almost identical. The cardinal virtues of the Psijics ( "Enlightened Ones") are altruism, foresight and precision in both thought and action.
The Order considers it their unequivocal purpose to study magic for the betterment of all, hence their removal of the Isle of Artaeum beyond the borders of Tamriel — indeed, beyond the realm of Mundus — where the truths of the Aurbis may be researched undisturbed. Also, as observers of Tamriel, the Order cannot allow outside forces to influence its judgement; such isolation allows it a certain neutrality on matters, both mundane and arcane.
Psijic Monks are well aware of the existence of a spiritual world invisible to the unenlightened, and believe that it is always watching and influencing Mundus. These spirits are understood to be the ancestors of the living, and even the Daedra and Aedra are considered to be nothing other than the exceptional spirits of superior men and women whose power and passion granted them great influence in the afterworld. Therefore a loyal greycloak will perform the Rites of Moawita on the 2nd of Hearth Fire and the Vigyld on the 1st of Second Seed in order to empower the salutary spirits and debilitate the unclean spirits.
This is also why we believe that we are tasked of bringing power to good men and making sure men with power remain good; conversely, should a strong tyrant die having performed a particularly malevolent act, he may go to rule in Oblivion. Also, he inspires other evildoers to thirst after power and other rulers to embrace cruelty and hatred which feed the Daedric Princes Boethiah and Vaernima respectively.
Hence the Psijic practice of seliffrnsae, or providing "grave and faithful counsel " to others; indeed, we see it as our sacred duty. However, we prefer not to offer our alliance or loyalty to those we counsel; we are faithful only to the Old Ways, and it is essential for us to always remember the influence of the spiritual world, while keeping our eyes open in the physical one. As such, the faithful counsel has but one master: their mind.
It is the duty of the disciplined Psijic to dilute change where it brings greed, gluttony, sloth, ignorance, prejudice, cruelty... and to encourage change where it brings excellence, beauty, happiness, and enlightenment.
— Taheritae
​ The Psijic Order believes that Change is the most sacred of the Eleven Forces; it is the force without focus or origin. It is thus the duty of the disciplined Psijic to counterbalance oegnithr ("bad change") by any means necessary; despots may be crippled, humiliated, impoverished or imprisoned. However, murder or assassination is excluded, for these are the province of the Sithis sects, the Dark Brotherhood and Morag Tong, not intelligence gatherers and dignified diplomats such as ourselves.
Padomay is just as ineffable an entity as Anu... His original (Aldmeris? Ehlnofex?) name is PSJJJJ, which is and was meant to be unpronounceable. The Order was founded and organized to divine Padomay's eternal and ever-changing mystery. "Sithis" is a corruption of "Psijii" which, in turn, was a derivation of the high concept PSJJJJ.
While Anu is thought to be the quintessential form of Stasis, Padomay is the personi-fication of the primordial force of chaos and change. Anu's son, Auri-El the Time Dragon, was formed in reaction to Padomay's influence and this inconceivable effect gave rise to an equally inconceivable cause. This influence was named PSJJJJ, and the Order took this name.

The Eleven Forces:
Change (Oegnithr)
Deflection (Kinetic Force)
Absorption (Kinetic Force)
Third Kinetic Force
Water/Memory, the basis of the Old Ways
Rites of Moawita
Conclave of the Eleven Forces:
The Council of Artaeum was was founded in the earliest days of the Psijic Order, when traditionalist Altmer Elders from Summerset Isles rebelled against the change from the initial egalitarian and communal structure of Aldmeris, into the more individualistic and hierarchical form now considered customary in the Isles. This they considered as a corruption of Altmer society and betrayal of traditional historical values.
Formerly based in the Keep of the Eleven Forces near Shimmerene when the Order still operated in Summerset, it is now convenes within the Ceporah Tower located on the Isle of Artaeum.
The Council is comprised of the following members:
Ritemaster Iachesis (Head of the Order)
Loremaster Celarus
Relicmaster Glenadir

Mundus was the House of Sithis. As their aspects began to die off, many of the et'Ada vanished completely. Some escaped, like Magnus, and that is why there are no limitations to magic. Others, like Y'ffre, transformed themselves into the Ehlnofey, the Earthbones, so that the whole world might not die. Some had to marry and make children just to last. Each generation was weaker than the last, and soon there were Aldmer. Darkness caved in. Lorkhan made armies out of the weakest souls and named them Men, and they brought Sithis into every quarter.
The Ehlnofey
When Magnus the architect decided to flee Mundus in the Dawn Era, most et'Ada — the Magna Ge — followed him to Aetherius; the Ehlnofey are those Original Spirits who did not abandon Mundus, and it was they who populated the mortal realm, thus becoming the progenitors of the modern races. The Old Ehlnofey retained their ancient power and knowledge, and they forebore the Mer; the Wandering Ehlnofey were more numerous, and toughened by their long struggle for survival on Nirn, and they begat the races of Men.
Many followed the example of Jephre and sacrificed themselves to form the rules of nature or 'Earthbones' so that they might remain in Mundus, and it has been found that these forces can be manipulated to some extent. The influence of the Ehlnofey endures today in the Second Era, for they are thought to have taken on students before they disappeared, passing their knowledge on to the emerging races.

Further Reading:

Words of Wisdom, Inspiration and Interest
Ritemaster Iachesis:
"We are the Psijic Order... There is very little we cannot accomplish through the application of the Old Ways."
"Every object remembers its history. The trick involves selecting the correct ritual to reveal those buried memories."
Loremaster Celarus:
"[To become a Psijic takes] a noble heart and a solemn commitment to the good. Achieving a membership in the Psijic Order is a serious and lasting endeavor. You must be prudent, but fearless. Withdrawn, but compassionate. It is not something to be taken lightly."
"Purge yourself of selfish intent. Membership in the Psijic Order will bring you both prestige and power. But such honors often lead to oegnithir—the bad change. What you do in the Order's name, you do for others. Never yourself."
"Many of my peers spend their days examining the nature of the reconstituted souls, and studying et'Ada dream residue. Still, I love my work. It also affords me the opportunity to spend time with our initiates."
"I educate students on the importance of compassion, discipline, objectivity and the like. Our Order's chief virtues. It can be very rewarding—provided the students take such lessons to heart."
"[The] cardinal virtues of our order: altruism, foresight, precision in both thought and action."
"As a member of the Psijic Order you must know that great power always walks hand-in-hand with great peril."
"The threats we face are grave indeed. Fortunately, the Old Ways always provide. Wisdom in the face of uncertainty. Patience in the face of turmoil. And of course, strength in the face of danger."
"Magic is an intensely personal exercise... No two mages weave their spells in exactly the same way. Like painting or sculpting, each artist has their own distinctive style."
"In truth, the order finds the idea of punishment repugnant. The road to justice often leads to a place of vengeance. Too often. Punishment should serve as an opportunity for growth. Nothing more."
"Failure is an opportunity for growth."
Relicmaster Glenadir:
"The Psijic Order doesn't interfere with much outside of Artaeum I'm afraid,
"Those who employ such dark magic, well, they don't tend to maintain control for very long. Power always has its price..."
"The hallmarks of a true Psijic monk are precision and artistry. It is not enough to know a spell—you must learn to improve it."
"The Psijic Order is an ancient magical monastic society. We served as advisors to the rulers of Tamriel, but that was before we removed our island home from the world."
"We're Psijic mages! We can come and go as we like, just so long as it advances our studies."
"The Psijics are observers. Watchers. In order to best maintain the order of Nirn, we must remain neutral to all other affairs.
"The Psijic Order has long since learned of the freedom which seclusion brings."
[On the low number of non-Elf members] "It's not racial bias. The Psijic Order doesn't have any axes to grind. It's just a matter of circumstance. Psijic study is an Aldmeri tradition for one thing. High Elves also live a long time and have more natural aptitude."
"The Psijic Order isn't just a collection of wizards. It's a world-view, you know? A state of mind.
It's not enough to be a talented mage. You have to learn to see things in a different way. To cultivate a detached and virtuous perspective."
"[Artaeum is] an island beyond Tamriel's borders where we can research the truths of the Aurbis without interruption. That is the purpose of the Psijic Order, after all - to study magic for the betterment of all."
"Knowledge without prudence breeds catastrophe."
"The Old Ways give little credence to such titles [as gods]. What is a god other than an exceptionally powerful agent? Anyway, power is overrated. Wisdom is the true measure of a person."
I am one of the order's few travelers. When matters in Tamriel demand the Psijics' attention, I often serve as the Ritemaster's canvaroth... a scout, as it were."
"Many Psijics fear the outside world, but I find my journeys beyond the mists invigorating. We cannot live in our books alone."
"The Psijic Order is an ancient society of mages, more akin to a monastic order than to the upstart Mages Guild, for example. We once served as advisors to the rulers of Tamriel, before we departed the world to pursue other interests."
"We took our island of Artaeum and sent it someplace else to better promote meditative study and contemplation. We maintain an interest in Tamriel, though..."
"Despite opinions to the contrary, being an Altmer isn't a prerequisite for membership in the Psijic Order. The Ritemaster noticed my potential and invited me to join. I had a year to consider the offer, but I made my decision immediately."
"The Ritemaster sends Psijics back to the world to perform tasks and gather information. Plus, we have powerful scrying magic that reveals all sorts of details."
"Though it may be hard to tell at first glance, the architecture of the [Ceporah Tower] doesn't quite match. This is because my order did not build the base structure. The bottom of the tower was already here when Artaeum was first discovered."
"We're simply not sure [who created the tower]. It must be ancient beings, of course, but it doesn't seem to match any other ruins found within Summerset. There are many speculations, but no direct answers, I'm afraid."
Ulliceta gra-Kogg:
"[I am] Ulliceta, formerly of clan Kogg. The Psijics want you to renounce those old affiliations, you see? Don't want that sort of thing to interfere with your dedication to the Old Ways."
"[I have been on Artaeum for] something like three hundred and fifty years... Long life comes with the robes. The Psijics don't think you can learn much of anything in a normal Orc lifetime."