-: A Brief History of Tamriel :-
An Altmeri Perspective
(incl. personal timeline)
(also the Phynasterian Perambulators & the Psijic Order)
​ The Dawn Era was a period during which time followed an incomprehensible nonlinear path and the very laws of nature remained unset, making a timeline an artificial fabrication.
In later eras, in various areas and over varying periods of time, people experienced a refrain of the chaos of the Dawn, which is known today as a Dragon Break.
End of the Dawn Era:
— Magnus and the Magna Ge depart for Aetherius; as the world congeals into reality, the remaining et'Ada construct the Adamantine Tower on what is to become the Isle of Balfiera in Iliac Bay; here they convene to decide the fate of Mundus.
— The Ehlnofey remain in the mortal realm and populate it, becoming the progenitors of the races of today.
— Y 'ffre and his followers sacrifice themselves to form the Earth Bones (the rules of nature)
— Auri-El ascends to Aetherius in full observance of his followers, so that they too might learn the steps to escape Mundus.
— Magic ebbs
— The Aurbis stabilises.
Middle Merethic Era:
— The Aldmer leave the doomed continent of Aldmeris (Old Ehlnofey) and settle in Tamriel.
— The Crystal Tower is built in Summerset.
— Aldmeri explorers explore and chart Tamriel 's sea-lanes, and map the coasts of Vvardenfell.
— Dissident Aldmer Elders, followers of the Elder Way, depart for the Isle of Artaeum; the Psijic Order is formed.
— Rise of the Ayleids (a.k.a. 'Wild Elves' or 'Heartland High Elves')in central Cyrodiil.
— The White-Gold Tower is built in Cyrodiil.
Late Middle Merethic Era:
1E 0 — The Camoran Dynasty is founded by King Eplear.
1E 20 — The Breton sage Voernet travels to Artaeum and meets with the Psijic Ritemaster,
1E 242 — The Alessian Slave Rebellion against the Ayleid Empire erupts in Cyrodiil.
1E 243 — The White-Gold Tower is taken.
1E 266 — Death of Empress Alessia.
1E 470 — (approx.)Discovery of the Flask of Lillandril.
1E 668 — The War of the First Council; Red Mountain on Vvardenfell erupts.
1E 700 — Battle of Red Mountain.
— Disappearance of the Dwemer.
1E 792 - 1E 808 — Destruction of Yokuda.
1E 1301 — Sack of Skywatch
1E 1306 — Hyperagonal Collapse Incident
1E 2200 — The Sload release the Thrassian Plague.
1E 2260 — The All Flags Navy sinks the kingdom of Thras.
1E 2911 - 2917 — The War of the Uvichil. The Sload unsuccessfully invade Summerset Isle.
1E 2920 — Emperor Reman the Third and Prince Juilek are assassinated by the Morag
The Dragon Break
The longest Dragon Break ever known, sometimes called the Middle Dawn, is said to have taken place across much of Tamriel in the mid-15th Century, for one thousand and eight years. It was a "timeless time", and from exactly when to when it occurred remains unknown.
2E 1 — Beginning of the Second Era, by decree of Potentate Versidue-Shai,
commemorating the demise of the Reman Dynasty.
2E 22? — Mannimarco expelled from the Psijic Order.
2E 230 — Formation of the Mages Guild in the Charter Conclave at Firsthold.
— Artaeum disappears.
2E 231 — The Order of the Lamp is formed to protect the Mages Guild.
2E 269 — Birth of Pengoloð of Alinor.
2E 309 — The Elsweyr Confederacy is founded.
2E 321 — The Guild Act is approved.
2E 430 — Potentate Savirien-Chorak is assassinated, ending the years of the Akaviri
Potentate and the Second Empire of Men.
2E 465 — Abnur Tharn becomes Chancellor of the Elder Council.
2E 467 — My birth in Auridon.
2E 469 — Founding of the Phynasterian Perambulators.
2E 478 — Commencement of my novitiate at the Monastery of Serene Harmony. (age 11)
2E 483 — Apprenticed to Neetra in Skywatch. (age 16)
2E 486 — King Hidellith's Altmeri navy pursues a Maormeri fleet to Pyandonea.
2E 489 — My formal enrolment at the Skywatch Mages Guild. (age 22)
2E 542 — The First Daggerfall Covenant is formed.
— My departure from the Mages Guild. (age 53)
2E 555 — Ayrenn Arana Aldmeri is born to King Hidellith and Kinlady Tuinden,
5th of Second Seed.
2E 560 — The Knahaten Flu spreads from Black Marsh.
2E 563 — Disappearance of Princess Ayrenn, Evening Star.
2E 567 — The Greater Daggerfall Covenant is formed.
— My centenary!(age 100, obviously!)
2E 568 — My training as a Psijic Neophyte begins. (age 101)
2E 571 — I progress to Psijic Acolyte (age 104)
2E 572 — The Second Akaviri Invasion.
2E 572 — The Ebonheart Pact is formed.
2E 576 — Varen's Rebellion begins.
— My induction into the Psijic Order. (age 109)
2E 577 — Varen Aquilarios proclaims himself Emperor.
2E 577 — Emperor Varen Aquilarios leads the Five Companions on a quest to retrieve the
Amulet of Kings.
2E 578 — The Soulburst occurs.
2E 579 — Disappearance of Varen Aquilarios; Clivia Tharn becomes Empress Regent.
2E 580 — Death of King Hidellith; Ayrenn is crowned Queen of Alinor, 7th of Frost Fall.
— The First Aldmeri Dominion is formed.
— The Three Banners War begins.
2E 582 — By the Queen's decree, the Isle of Summerset is
opened to all the races of Tamriel.
— My return to Auridon. (age 115)