Greetings and salutations!
In the rare event that anyone actually visits my humble fan-site, and reads
it thoroughly enough to find this remote page, I'd like to say "Thank you!"
Please bear in mind that it's very much a work in progress.
I'm an unemployed South African, with (obviously) far too much time on his hands. When I first discovered Wix.com earlier this year (2020) I had recently begun playing Elder Scrolls Online, so naturally I thought that would be a fun theme to use while I played around with the editor.
I decided to create it in the form of a notebook where I could keep information and lore that I regularly searched for online while playing, and I needed a reason for my character to keep such a notebook. Thus the Phynasterian Perambulators (originally the Phynasterian Striders) was born; a joke on Phynaster's fame for being the hero-god "who taught the Altmer how to naturally live another hundred years by using a shorter walking stride", and the fact that I really enjoyed strolling around in-game at a walking pace — while everyone around me was running around at full tilt — just to absorb the wonderful world of Tamriel that the designers and artists had created. (Particularly after having spent untold hours over the years modding Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim to make them more visually pleasing... here, at last, was an Elder Scrolls game that needed no cosmetic modification!)
Needless to say, my experimental project/hobby has become a bit of an obsession, especially considering that I never intended it to be seen by anyone else. However, I decided to drop a link to it in my signature on the ESO forum just for fun, so if you're reading this you're obviously someone whose curiosity tends to get the better of them. Good for you!
May Phynaster guide your path.
- Andrew -
P.S. It should be noted that I've sourced much of the lore regarding Altmer society etc. on 'an article on the Altmer race' that was posted in 2016 by Celahir on ESO-RP. Unfortunately when the Summerset Chapter was released in 2018, he conceded that:
"I'm afraid that much of it is no longer canon.
I was basing a good part of the article on the old datamined info about a Summerset area, that was in development early in the games history, but that was never released. Lawrence Schick declared it to be canon in an interview, which made it valid in my eyes. Sadly the Summerset DLC did discard many of the initial ideas, changed some others and did also dismiss some of the lore about Summerset that was part of prior TES games or even ESO itself (at least the things mentioned there were not part of the Summerset DLC). This makes much of my article outdated."
Nevertheless, in my opinion the Altmer race that his article describes is altogether more intricate and interesting than that which ZOS depicted in the DLC, and therefore I'm persisting in using it, together with other selected information from the datamine that I'm gradually uncovering. As I'm a relative newcomer to deep TES lore, please excuse my non-canon references and clumsy attempts to integrate it all into my "notebook"/headcanon.