The Phynasterian Perambulators
Est. 2E 469
Perambulate (v)
- to walk or travel through or round a place or area, especially for pleasure and in a leisurely way; to stroll.
"Phynaster: Hero-god of the Summerset Isles, who taught the Altmer how to naturally live another hundred years by using a shorter walking stride."
- Varieties of Faith in Tamriel: The High Elves — Additional Deities with Significant Altmer Cults
by Brother Mikhael Karkuxor of the Imperial College
He believed that this was not merely the result of contracting one's physical step, but from the simple fact that this mode of perambulation was conducive to a meditational state of being, similar to the kinhin of the Taoist and Zen monks of old; a mindfulness that brings about a whole new focus on one's surroundings, with detailed observation of the immediate environment as the practitioner's consciousness literally zooms into their field of view!
But best to leave the metaphysics to the Psijics...

In Xarxes and Oghma by Thandelieth, Xarxes asks,
"One can travel quite far alone, or together. Which do you prefer?"
Suffice to say that whether it is due to exercise, mindfulness or simply slowing down their lifestyles, followers of Phynaster are generally an enduring bunch; that is, apart from the ones who perish during the dangerous pilgrimages taken as tests of faith.

The Phynasterian Perambulators was founded over a century ago by the noted scholar of the arcane arts and avid rambler, Pengoloð of Alinor. An adherent of the Way of Phynaster, he wished to share his passion for the most fundamental of the hero-god 's teachings: the extension of one's lifespan by virtue of shortening one's walking stride.*
Therein lies the essence of the Phynasterian Perambulators: it can be nice to go it alone, but it's also nice to sometimes have company; and what better company than fellow wanderers?

* To attest Phynaster's promise of longevity, Pengoloð is now a spry 314 years old and is still the titular head of the Phynasterian Perambulators. He is often to be found strolling the streets of Alinor, admiring the architecture and the passers-by.

* Click the question above to scroll down, and the footprint to return. *
Frequently Asked Questions:

When the Aldmer chose to worship their greater ancestors, the Aedra, over their past kin, many of the greater spirits became worshipped as hero-gods. Phynaster was a Merethic Aldmeri priest of Auri-El who was elevated to divinity by that deity, and while he is not part of the main of Aldmeri Pantheon, his worship is maintained through significant cults throughout the Summerset Isles.
He is renowned for creating the famed Ring of Phynaster and for teaching the Altmer to extend their lifespan by a century, simply by reducing the length of their gait; he represents the virtue of patience and the achievement of victory by taking the slower but surer path, ideals that Altmer value very highly.
If you've submitted an in-game application, and are awaiting approval:
Firstly, thank you very much for choosing the Phynasterian Perambulators! We appreciate your "heeding the call of Phynaster!"
Secondly, please practice Phynasterian patience. Your application won't take long to be approved.
If your application has been approved:
Welcome [ insert name ], you've discovered an ESO Guild of like-minded souls (or Soulless Ones, rather) in the vast expanse of the Elder Scrolls multiverse. We hope you enjoy yourself !
Say "Hello!" on the Guild Chat Channel or our Discord Server.
Invite a friend... after all, the more the merrier!

3.Where is your Website/Discord Server?
Alas, the Phynasterian Perambulators doesn't have a website, which is why this FAQ borrowed a page on my ridiculous fan site. Sad, isn't it ?
Oh... yes... my apologies to anyone whose instinct for exploration led them into the rest of my "Field Notebook" because I can't hide the menu at the top of this page. It is but a hobby, and still very much a work in progress (although it is the joke that spawned this Guild.)
Our Discord Server can be joined here:
Ah... well, not to get existential, but we all try to make rational decisions despite Tamriel existing in an irrational universe. Was starting a Guild rational ? Probably not...
But first, please note that this isn't a religious cult; the Phynaster worship is a bit tongue in cheek!(And please also note that the term 'cult' in the context of The Elder Scrolls means devotion to any one of a number of Aedra and Daedra, Saints, Gods, or Demons; not the strange people you sometimes read about or see on television.)
The Phynasterian Perambulators is intended to be - hopefully- both a haven and a hub for those players who enjoying strolling around Tamriel, admiring the scenery. Here we can find fellow travellers with whom to journey, whether on a picnic for two or a pilgrimage for two score. Sharing quests and making new friends are a major part of Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games, and that's the essence of this Guild.
Basically, I would like to make some friends in ESO, and the folk who can sometimes be seen casually wandering around Tamriel - in forests, towns and dungeons - are probably the type of people I would like to befriend. (And it would be nice to encourage others to sometimes take the opportunity to slow down and enjoy the show, too!)
Quite honestly, I am relatively new to ESO and completely new to MMO guilds and so I have absolutely no idea what I am doing!(Not very reassuring, I know, and I would be grateful to anyone more competent should they kindly offer their input.) For now, I am just waiting to see what happens next...
Our present goal is a modest one... to garner the requisite ten members needed to unlock the Guild Bank and Heraldry system.

Like Aldmeri society of old, the Phynasterian Perambulators is both egalitarian and communal, and thus our play style is listed as 'Casual.' However, that being said, there is an informal administrative system of levels in place:
- a temporary entrance level title issued upon admittance to the guild. You can chat on the guild channel, lighten the load of your inventory bags into the Guild Bank,* or invite your friends.
- as above, and also has complete access to the Guild Bank*, drawing and depositing items.
- as above, and can also buy and sell items in the Guild Store*
- also manages membership applications
- administrates membership and the vault.

*The Guild Bank and the Guild Store:
* Alas... these don't exist!(yet)*
Our present goal is a modest one... to garner the requisite ten members needed to unlock the Guild Bank and Heraldry system. Then we'll wait and see if we reach the fifty folk required to open a Guild Store!

The Guild Bank will be a communal repository for - I expect - mostly crafting materials, style motifs, Survey Reports and Treasure Maps etc. Anything to help the budding alchemist, potential gourmet, intrepid adventurer and any folk who lack the Craft Bag.
Everything deposited into the Bank shall be considered a gift to the Guild, and therefore communal property; needless to say we'll operate on a trust/honour system.
Any member of the 'Stroller' level and above will have complete access to the Bank, and can draw and deposit items at leisure.

The following are listed as our Activities on the ESO Guild Finder:
Social - because we all can dream! Seriously though, I really would like the Phynasterian Perambulators be a networking hub for intrepid players who have the patience, resolve and pure audacity to play in this weird* style.
Role Play - as I expect role-players are most likely to recognise the name Phynaster, and are most likely to be fellow perambulators.
Questing - because it's fun to adventure with friends
Fishing - because it's fun to chill with friends.
* Comparatively, of course!
However, I don't know if the Fishing selection is instead for something like hardcore Achievement specialist guilds - ditto Questing - and I assume Crafting is for guilds with crafting areas in their private houses, not merely hobbyists like us.
Please don't get the false impression that Phynasterian Perambulators walk absolutely everywhere... we venerate Phynaster, not Sheogorath!
While it can indeed be excellent fun to occasionally saunter around a crafting area while completing writs, you certainly don't want to do it each and every time. Nor do you want to traipse across the field of battle, or ramble while retreating from some slathering beast in the wilds; and only a fool would not learn to ride some beast of burden, or refuse to use Corvus Direnni's interconnected "web of sojourn"created by the magnificent Wayshrines of yesteryear.
Obviously there also isn't always time to stroll around blissfully, and we appreciate that behind every character with whom we interact there is a real-life person with all the accompanying issues that come with Real Life. This Guild is listed as 'Casual ' for good reason... we perambulate at our leisure, for our pleasure.
The creation of walking parties of any size is enthusiastically encouraged. Share an intimate stroll or embark on a pilgrimage; avoid random Pick Up Groups and gather a friendly fellowship to aid your quest; have a flower-picking picnic or destroy a Boss.
Phynaster guide your path!