— The stars welcome you, ceruval! —​

​This Field Notebook is the property of a member of the Phynasterian Perambulators, a subsect of the Cult of Phynaster of Summerset. The following may be found within its pages:
- Information regarding the Phynasterian Perambulators
(Including its Founder and the hero-god Phynaster)
- Biography of the compiler of this notebook
- Regarding the current situation in Tamriel
- Information composed or collected by the compiler
- The compiler's Oghma
- A collection of thaumaturgical treasures
(Including an iconography and arcanaeum)
- Details of how to get ahold of the compiler
the fabrication of
this notebook is
proudly sponsored by
of summerset's
​"leave only your
— May Phynaster guide your path. —

* If lost and found, please kindly return this notebook to the Temple of the Divines in Alinor, Summerset Isle *